Because the Watchtower continues to lie to people. God is a god of truth, not half truths. How will people know unless someone informs them?
nobody told me
JoinedPosts by nobody told me
What Motivates You to Expose the "Truth About the Troof" to Active JW's?
by imallgrowedup inwhile responding to another thread, i was thinking about how so many of us talk about trying to help "believing dubs" out from the clutches of the wt, while at the same time, it occurred to me that we probably all have different motivations for doing so.
as for me, i am motivated to get my parents out because i think they have the right to know "the whole story" - not just the candy-coated version the wt espouses, so they can make better decisions about how they want to live the rest of their lives.
right now the wt makes all their life decisions for them - including whether or not they should look at what the "other side" has to say about them.
Please give me a question
by galaxy7 in.
well my weekly bible study is coming up this week and i am being blessed with the cuircut servant and his wife.i was told last week to save all my questions for them,(beacause of my difficulty with believing in 1914).
does anyone have a question that they would like me to ask.. .
nobody told me
Why is taking fractions of blood ok? and how is that still abstaining from blood?
How come the Watchtower does not pay taxes in France, when the Bible clearly says to pay Ceasar's things to Ceaser and the tax to those who call for the tax?
Spankings at the hall.
by avishai ini knew some parents who really beat the hell out of their kids.
anyone else remember this?
seems like when i was a kid, you could'nt go to a meeting without hearing screams of pain from either the b room or the bathrooms.
nobody told me
Not that the brother would ever do this at the hall, but I knew a future elder (m.s.. at the time) who would beat his kids with a rubber hose. Too bad the oldest lied when confronted by school officials. Trust me I would have turned the moron in if I knew at the time.
Can you get DF'd for having interactions with someone thats DF'd?
by Agent Smith in.
whats taken into consideration when this happens?
nobody told me
Yes you can!!!! That's what I was DF'd for. Sorry, but I refuse to let a bunch of old farts in New York determine who I can have as a friend. FYI I have more true friends now than I ever had at the dumbdom hall. I ran into an old witness "friend", told them I was DF'd because I am truely tried of these people, but they spoke with me anyways. So I told them I was too happy now to return, so they basicaly threatened me with death from the scriptures. Boy, that gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Are You Going To The Memorial This Year?
by minimus ini think it's april 4th.
(i think).
are you going?
How Did The Elderly Get Treated In Your Kingdom Hall?
by minimus inwere they truly valued as watchtower publications suggest or were they rarely thought of??
nobody told me
I would say so-so, however one of the sadest experiences I ever saw involved a dear elderly sister.
A part on the circuit ass. called for those who have kept their faith for many years. This elderly sister who had been a dub for 40 years or so was asked to contribute. She really DID NOT want to give the part. She was "pressured" into it. It was well known in our cong. how nervous she was about it. She was very reserve. She worked herself up so much that she had a heart attack at the circuit ass. 30 minutes before the talk. She dropped dead at her seat. What made it even worse is the stupid idiots who pressured her said it was wonderful how she died faithful. What a bunch of sickos!!!!!!!
Did the Watchtower leave you in a No-Man's Land?
by JH in.
after becoming a witness, slowly we became programmed to believe that 99% of the world was not approved by god and that they were evil, and in the darkness, and would all die at armageddon.. most of us left the watchtower, or are on the verge of doing so, so at a certain point it's normal to be in a so called no man's land, where you don't believe what the watchtower taught and at the same time you still believe that the entire world is not approved by god.
i was just wondering how long you stead in this mode of beleiving that the watchtower teachings were wrong, but at the same time, you still remembered and believed that the world was also doomed?
nobody told me
For years the I felt unsteady with the Watchtower. Breaking away takes an enormous amount of energy. Cults are very difficult to get out of. Years of Botchtower training does not go away over night. For me it was the months "before" I was disfellowshipped that was a no mans land. I was D'fed for being seen with a disfellowhippped person. Sorry Watchtower, they were a friend for 20 years and better than anything you ever offered. The shear rudeness of the elders actually made it easier to break away. The Watchtower does not give life, so what makes them think they can take it away, it is only in their minds that they think they have this authority. Once your mind realizes they do not hold life in their hands, you'll feel a lot better. Keep reading things from sites like this and you'll see how many lies the Watchtower really has, once trust is broken much of what they say loses weight.
Comments You Won't Hear at the 01-18-04 WT Study
by blondie in"show yourselves thankful".
(psalm 133:1)(c ).
in what practical ways can we demonstrate that we are truly thankful?.
nobody told me
Blondie, I found a Botchtower last night where I was working. It was the one you reviewed. I couldn't help think of that big wad of cash that young sister was throwing(away) into the contribution box. What happened to two small coins of little value? Couldn't they find a widow? Jesus said "you'll always have the poor", you just won't find them in New York. Thanks for your review.
Disfellowshipped for celebrating holidays?
by Robert_V_Frazier indoes anyone know of any specific cases of jehovah's witnesses who were disfellowshipped because of celebrating any of the forbidden holidays -- christmas, easter, birthdays, etc?
i have a discussion going with a jehovah's witness who claims that he doesn't know of anyone ever being dfed over that.. thanks in advance,.
robert v frazier
nobody told me
A number of years ago an elderly inactive sister was re-activated just to be disfellowshipped for having X-mas decorations up on her door.
Yet there was another elderly sister, who lived by herself, who would put up a X-mas wreath in which nothing was ever done. Go figure?
North American Cold Snap: How Cold Is It Where You Are?
by RAYZORBLADE inbrrr!
it's cold in toronto tonight/this a.m. - i believe it went as low as -26c (minus 26 celsius) .
it was pretty freakin' cold.
nobody told me
Mt. Washington N.H. -43F with wind chill -100F this morning
-8F here this morning.